Startup / Shutdown sequence for Oracle Fusion Apps components
As you already know by now, Oracle Fusion Applications installation may fail at a few points and you might need to restart the installation. We have seen a lot of comments asking for steps for startup sequence for Oracle Fusion infrastructure components.
Here is the startup sequence for the components.
Startup sequence
1. Source profile
more ~/.bash_profile
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH
2. Start Listener
3. Start Database
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup
4. Start OID
/app/fusion/admin/oid1/bin/opmnctl startall
5. Start Web
/app/fusion/admin/ohs_inst1/bin/opmnctl startall
6. Start Weblogic Admin Server for IDMDomain
cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/
nohup ./ &
(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file)
7. Start Node Manager
cd /app/fusion/fmw/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/
nohup ./ &
(Wait till you see “started on port 5556” in nohup.out log file)
8. Start OAM managed server for IDMDomain (since we cannot login to console without OAM)
cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/
nohup ./ wls_oam1 &
(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file)
9. Start remaining managed servers
Either from command prompt
cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/
nohup ./ wls_ods1 &
nohup ./ wls_oim1 &
nohup ./ wls_soa1 &
(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file for each of them. You can start them in in parallel, just make sure all start fine)
Or by logging into Weblogic Console->Servers->Control screen.
10. In case if restarting from postconfigure
For 11.1.4 and earlier versions
cd /app/fusion/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/ad002aph01
nohup ./ &
For 11.1.5 onwards releases
cd /app/fusion/instance/nodemanager/ad002aph01
nohup ./ &
This will automatically start all managed servers including all domains like Common, HCM, BI, Financial, CRM etc which have been successfully configured so far.
What’s the difference between
thanks for your help
Hi rlacour,
mserver is just a local copy of the managed servers in aserver directory. Even if you don’t create if for single node installation, it will still work but we have added this in latest post just to explain that we can keep a local copy of aserver using pack/unpack command so that you can independently manage the parameters or tune the managed servers without affecting the admin server’s settings which usually resides on a shared storage. While mserver usually resides on local or exclusive storage to the node.
ORA Training
Very good post – I guess the shutdown seqence will be the reverse of that.