Oracle Fusion Applications Installation: Provision an Applications Environment

Previous: Create new Response File


Let us do a quick verification of everything before we start actual provisioning.


Copy the required libraries to webgate installer directory. This is required since the webgate creates soft links to this directory.

-bash-3.2$ cp -pr /app/fusion/oam_lib/lib* /u03/stage/installers/webgate/


Make sure that the project memory is set correctly.

root@ad002aph01 # /usr/sbin/ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_smallest_anon_port


root@ad002aph01 # /usr/sbin/ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port


root@ad002aph01 # /usr/sbin/ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port 61000

root@ad002aph01 # /usr/sbin/ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_largest_anon_port



root@ad002aph01 # projmod -U fusion -K “project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,68719476736,deny)” user.fusion

root@ad002aph01 # more /etc/project



Make sure that the IDM infrastructure is started. (only if not already started)


1. Source profile

more ~/.bash_profile






export JAVA_HOME


export PATH


2. Start Listener



3. Start Database

sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> startup


4. Start OID

/app/fusion/admin/oid1/bin/opmnctl startall


5. Start Web

/app/fusion/admin/web1/bin/opmnctl startall


6. Start Weblogic Admin Server for IDMDomain

cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/

nohup ./ &

(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file)


7. Start Node Manager

cd /app/fusion/fmw/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/

nohup ./ &

(Wait till you see “started on port 5556” in nohup.out log file)


8. Start OAM managed server for IDMDomain (since we cannot login to console without OAM)

cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/

nohup ./ wls_oam1 &

(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file)


9. Start remaining managed servers

Either from command prompt

cd /app/fusion/admin/IDMDomain/aserver/IDMDomain/bin/

nohup ./ wls_ods1 &

nohup ./ wls_oim1 &

nohup ./ wls_soa1 &


(Wait till you see RUNNING in nohup.out log file for each of them. You can start them in in parallel, just make sure all start fine)


Or by logging into Weblogic Console->Servers->Control screen.


10. ONLY In case if restarting from postconfigure phase


For 11.1.4 and earlier versions

cd /app/fusion/fusionapps/wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager/ad002aph01

nohup ./ &


For 11.1.5 onwards releases

cd /app/fusion/instance/nodemanager/ad002aph01

nohup ./ &


-bash-3.2$ /app/fusion/instance/CommonDomain_webtier/bin/opmnctl startall



Start Fusion Applications Provisioning


Launch the installer from <provisioning_repository>/bin


-bash-3.2$ cd /app/fusion/provisioning/bin/


It is important to start it with “-ignoreSysPrereqs true” switch as mentioned in the release notes.


-bash-3.2$ ./ -ignoreSysPrereqs true &


Click Next


Select “Provision an Applications Environment” and browse for the response file created in last step. Click Next




Review and click Next



Validate the information and click Next



In case if you want to revisit some of the section in the Response File then you can do so here. Click Next


Review the summary and click Next to begin.


Expect 1 error here. The only error we have is as following. This can be skipped as mentioned on the release notes.


2012-12-25 11:55:50.628 NOTIFICATION [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2012-12-25 11:55:50 GST!TARGET=common-preverify-security!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=CommonDomain!HOSTNAME=ad002aph01!PRODUCTFAMILY=fs!PRODUCT=Functional-Setup!TASK=validateOim!TASKID=fs.Functional-Setup.BUILD_ERROR.common-preverify-security.validateOim!MESSAGE=List of failed Validation in OIM 1. OVD : Cannot perform OVD validations as Cannot bind to OVD with URL : 2. OAM_Validation : Cannot perform OAM Validation as null !DETAIL=List of failed Validation in OIM||1. OVD : Cannot perform OVD validations as Cannot bind to OVD with URL : ||2. OAM_Validation : Cannot perform OAM Validation as null||!BUILDFILE=/app/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/common-preverify-build.xml!LINENUMBER=345!



Please note that we will see the Next button activated here since we have specified “ignoreSysPrereqs true” switch to begin the provisioning. Click Next



Once the Installation phase finishes, click Next



Once Preconfigure phase completes, click Next


Important Notes:


You may see a lag between 100% completion of the phase and “Next” button being enabled. This is the time where the status changes from COMPLETED to ENDED. Here it takes backup of the instance directory at /app/fusion/provisioning/restart so that it can cleanup and restore from next step if it fails.


The installation logs are being created at /app/fusion/logs/provisioning/plan<timestamp>/<hostname> directory. This is the most useful place to troubleshoot.


The status flags like STARTED, COMPLETED, FAILED, ENDED are stored in /app/fusion/provisioning/phaseguards directory. Please be careful while removing, renaming or creating flag files here since it will change the current status of the provisioning.


And for status of each domain within the particular phase, the flag files are written at /app/fusion/provisioning/phaseguards/pf directory


Good thing in new Fusion applications setup is that when you retry it only performs the actions for failed products but those actions of completed products are not repeated. This saves a lot of time compared to our last installation of



Click Next when Configure completes.


Note: The name of next phase has changed to “Configure Primary/Secondary” instead of “Configure Secondary” as in release since it was misleading.



Click Next once Configure Primary/Secondary phase completes.


If due to some issue a stage fails then you would see above screen. You need to click retry to cleanup and restore to previous state in order to start again.


Check the logs in /app/fusion/logs directory and fix the errors before proceeding.


Note: If OIM is not reachable then HCM postconfigure might fail after seeding the OID entries (at private-configure-oim-callback) so please make sure OID is running and port 14000 is reachable, or else restart OIM before you run postconfigure.



Once cleanup and restore completes, click OK to proceed with rerunning the same phase.



The above errors related to flexfield are actually warnings and even FA provisioning does not stop installation due to this since it is known bug as it does not have any data at the moment to seed. This is for future releases.


Despite these errors, the phase will be successful as you can see above. Click Next


Note: In case if To manually clear FAILED_NOT_RESTARTABLE status for any server, you can edit the following file ONLY AFTER YOU ARE SURE that this is cleanly shutdown.








Once startup completes, click Next. (we skipped others since they were manually started)



After Validation completes, installation concludes.



Help Portal Home Page


Fusion Applications “Getting started” guide in Help Portal. Must watch this.



Once you log in you will see this home page.



Couple of components are having some issue. Will fix this and update the post later.

This concludes the basic installation of Fusion Applications. Next we need to configure and implement the selected product which includes Functional setup, scaling out etc. We will cover these in other posts.

Hope you liked our Fusion Applications installations guide. We would be really glad to see your suggestions and just to let you know; from 2013 onwards we will start Fusion Application Trainings in India and other countries on request.

God bless you all.

Installing Oracle Fusion Applications – steps

  1. Create another database for Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure (optional)
  1. danny
    Jun 29th, 2014 at 10:30 | #1


    i am stuck in Fusion Application Provisioning Wizard in preconfigure stage after the Oracle Data Integrator -BUILD_STARTED it was showing error on Build messages for Funstaional Setup product family.

    How to solve the error in preconfigure stage.

    following are the log file
    Please help to install Fusion application

    [2014-06-28T20:36:13.964+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [NOTIFICATION] [FAPROV-01161] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXM
    G1JfhFd000008,0] [arg: /fusion1/oracle/fusionapps/odi/odi-repo-config.lck] [arg: 28 Jun 2014 20:36:13 IST] Released lock on file /fusion1/oracle/fusionapps/odi/odi-repo
    -config.lck at time 28 Jun 2014 20:36:13 IST
    [2014-06-28T20:36:13.968+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [WARNING] [] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXMG1JfhFd000008,0]
    [echo] Importing work repository data for IC
    [2014-06-28T20:37:16.783+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [NOTIFICATION] [] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXMG1JfhFd00000
    8,0] Importing ODI file –>MFOL_IC.xml
    [2014-06-29T02:40:48.442+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [NOTIFICATION] [FAPROV-01073] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXM
    G1JfhFd000008,0] [arg: /fusion1/oracle/provisioning/phaseguards/pf/preconfigure-fahost-fs-FAILED.grd] Changing permissions recursively for /fusion1/oracle/provisioning/
    phaseguards/pf/preconfigure-fahost-fs-FAILED.grd. This may take a while…
    [2014-06-29T02:40:48.465+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [NOTIFICATION] [FAPROV-01074] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXM
    G1JfhFd000008,0] Permissons changed.
    [2014-06-29T02:40:48.466+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [NOTIFICATION] [FAPROV-01197] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXM
    G1JfhFd000008,0] [arg: /fusion1/oracle/provisioning/phaseguards/pf/preconfigure-fahost-fs-FAILED.grd] Wrote phase guard file /fusion1/oracle/provisioning/phaseguards/pf
    [2014-06-29T02:40:48.496+05:30] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [ERROR] [FAPROV-00121] [runProvisioning-fs-preconfigure] [tid: 30] [ecid: 0000KRYvn8h9_akqwwuXMG1JfhFd
    000008,0] [arg: fs-preconfigure] [arg: 06/29/2014 02:40:48 AM IST] Completed fs-preconfigure with errors at 06/29/2014 02:40:48 AM IST


  2. Lakshminarayana Jayanthi
    Sep 11th, 2013 at 11:42 | #2

    Hi Tushar

    We are trying to install FA Ver 11.1.6. We have completed the Fusion Middlware and now trying to run Provisioning with the command
    ./ A step 7 f 15 – Prerequisite Checks, we have one error in Build messages for Funtional Setup Product Family
    There is jsut one preverify validation error with 3 issues.
    List of failed Validation in OIM
    1. SOA : Cannot validate SOA configuration as : javax.naming.NamingException: String index out of range: -1
    2. OVD : Cannot perform OVD validations as Cannot bind to OVD with URL :
    3. OAM_Validation : Cannot perform OAM Validation as Error in receiving server challenge. ObAAAStatus: Major code: 24(Component_Lookup_Failed) Minor code: 2(NoCode)

    The second one can be ignored as we have not installed OVD. Can you let us know the reason for point 1 and point 3.


  3. Ram
    Apr 23rd, 2013 at 06:24 | #3

    Hi Team,

    It is really good post to have in the web.I am using 32GB ram and i5 processor.I have installed till the starting of the Services(after Postconfigure state).There it is failing with Out of memory error.
    Please help me to over come this issue and complete this MEGA installation.


    • tushar
      Apr 23rd, 2013 at 06:33 | #4

      Dear Ram,

      The answer to this is in your question only. Since you are using 32 GB RAM, that is the reason. We can tune the JVM heap sizes but after all it is soft tuning only since if the JVM requires more memory to startup, it may go beyond it. I am able to start everything using 48GB RAM on HCM after tuning but I never recommend anyone to do so since most of the users cannot wait for the pages to load. Nevertheless, please tell me which products you have provisioned so based on that I can suggest something to start the services since startup phase is the only phase where upon every retry, it starts everything despite some domains were already started before you retry.


      • Ram
        Apr 24th, 2013 at 05:38 | #5

        Thank u so much Tushar.

        I am installing with HCM with Workforce Devlopement module.

        Please advice here.


        • Ram
          Apr 25th, 2013 at 03:28 | #6

          Hi Tushar,

          Do we need to change in Any of the config files for this tunning.
          Please suggest.


          • tushar
            Apr 25th, 2013 at 04:30 | #7

            Sorry for delayed reply since not yet back to office. See regardless of which products you select in selected product family the number of weblogic admin and managed servers remain the same. So even if you had selected all 3 (workforce development, deployment and talent management), it would not affect the memory required.

            Now coming back to tuning, please be careful and also take backup of existing scripts before you make any change. The tuning can be done in following files
            <Domain Home>/bin/
            <Domain Home>/bin/
            <Domain Home>/config/fusionapps_start_params.propertoes

            Will write a separate post on tuning soon.


      • Ram
        Apr 25th, 2013 at 05:13 | #8

        Hi Tushar,
        Thanks for the update.

        Could you please tell how much do need to set the memory for CLean Startup of the services.


        • Ram
          Apr 26th, 2013 at 09:04 | #9

          Hi Tushar,

          How much can i keep minimum memory to start the services in installation phase.

          Please help here.


          • tushar
            Apr 26th, 2013 at 11:18 | #10

            Dear Ram,

            If you are doing 2 node installation as per our latest posts then you can “manage to start” node 2 (fusion apps node) for Fusion accounting hub with 32 GB RAM and if you have FAH and HCM both then 48 GB RAM. This will work if you have double the swap space available. How much swap space you have given for the OS? This is without tuning anything.


          • Ram
            Apr 27th, 2013 at 02:59 | #11

            Thanks Tushar.

            I have given the swap 64gb the double the RAM(32gb).I have everything in the same machine(single node).It has 32gb with 1tb storage.(DB,IDM,FusionApps).

            Please suggest here.

            Thank u so much .


          • tushar
            Apr 28th, 2013 at 05:40 | #12

            Dear Ram,

            Have you tried starting it up manually using $FA_HOME(fusionapps)/applications/lcm/ad/bin command? Which one fails with out of memory error? Usually if you have not reduced the Xmx value too low and if you still have available virtual memory/swap then it should not give “out of memory” error since it still have swap space to use. Also is there any possibility to increase the RAM since 32GB for ALL components will be less.

            Sorry for not being able to answer immediately since last week.

            – Tushar

        • Ram
          Apr 29th, 2013 at 03:42 | #13

          Thanks Tushar.

          I will increase the Swap size and then will try one more time.


          • tushar
            May 6th, 2013 at 11:00 | #14

            Dear Ram,

            If you are facing problem only in startup phase then you can try this trick. As soon as any of the domain startup is completed and marked by tick mark then you can login to the admin server of that domain and force shutdown all managed servers. this is because on the phase is completed for particular domain, there is no dependancy. This way you can keep doing for other domains as they complete. Once startup phase is finished, you can manually start the domains one by one by tuning them but at least startup phase will complete. The reason behind doing this manually is that there will not be any issue with timeout like we have in the wizard.


  4. JL
    Apr 12th, 2013 at 17:01 | #15

    I got this error during the prerequisite checks, “Error 1: OAM11G_OIM_OHS_URL: OIM host configured with OAM is not valid”

    Has anyone seen it?



  5. JL
    Apr 5th, 2013 at 08:12 | #16

    During Installation phase, I got the following errors (on dbclient). Have anyone seen it and what would be the solution? This is on node 2. Node 1 is IDM, and node 2 is FA. Thank you

    [2013-04-05T07:17:00.514-07:00] [runProvisioning-install] [TRACE] [] [runProvisioning-install] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JrQVDJ6F4E15zvw0yW1HNhWu000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: oracle.apps.fnd.provisioning.ant.taskdefs.util.logger.ProvisioningLogger] [SRC_METHOD: log] /u01/mnt/winshare/installers/dbclient/client/runInstaller -silent -waitforcompletion -ignoreSysPrereqs -responseFile /u01/app/fusion/provisioning/debug/fusionapps/install_05_04_13_06_57_08/oui10g-dbclient1130556642608964141.rsp
    [2013-04-05T07:17:00.918-07:00] [runProvisioning-install] [NOTIFICATION] [] [runProvisioning-install] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JrQVDJ6F4E15zvw0yW1HNhWu000002,0] [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2013-04-05 07:17:00 PDT!TARGET=private-install-dbclient!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=CommonDomain!HOSTNAME=fusionapps!PRODUCTFAMILY=dbclient!PRODUCT=DatabaseClient!TASK=oui10g!TASKID=dbclient.DatabaseClient.BUILD_ERROR.private-install-dbclient.oui10g!MESSAGE=The OUI call failed. More information may be available in the logs within the partial install/configuration of this component, and also in the following oraInventory log location of this machine: /home/fusion/oraInventory/logs/.!DETAIL=!BUILDFILE=/u01/app/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/dbclient-build.xml!LINENUMBER=252!
    [2013-04-05T07:17:00.979-07:00] [runProvisioning-install] [NOTIFICATION] [] [runProvisioning-install] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JrQVDJ6F4E15zvw0yW1HNhWu000002,0] [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2013-04-05 07:17:00 PDT!TARGET=private-install-dbclient!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=CommonDomain!HOSTNAME=fusionapps!PRODUCTFAMILY=dbclient!PRODUCT=DatabaseClient!TASK=oui10g!TASKID=dbclient.DatabaseClient.BUILD_ERROR.private-install-dbclient.oui10g!MESSAGE=OUI10g installer failed: /u01/mnt/winshare/installers/dbclient/client/runInstaller!DETAIL=OUI10g installer failed: /u01/mnt/winshare/installers/dbclient/client/runInstaller!BUILDFILE=/u01/app/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/dbclient-build.xml!LINENUMBER=252!
    [2013-04-05T07:17:00.980-07:00] [runProvisioning-install] [ERROR] [FAPROV-00298] [runProvisioning-install] [tid: 11] [ecid: 0000JrQVDJ6F4E15zvw0yW1HNhWu000002,0] An Error Occured: [[
    OUI10g installer failed: /u01/mnt/winshare/installers/dbclient/client/runInstaller
    at oracle.apps.fnd.provisioning.ant.taskdefs.installer.BaseInstallerTask.executeTask(
    at oracle.apps.fnd.provisioning.ant.taskdefs.BaseProvisioningTask.execute(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

  6. JL
    Apr 5th, 2013 at 02:34 | #17

    This is JL. Please include the webgate gcc lib files. It’s a known issue.

    Thank you.

    • tushar
      Apr 5th, 2013 at 09:28 | #18

      Dear JL,

      Yes this is already included as part of our upcoming 11.1.6 notes but since this 11.1.5 installation was done on Solaris and it had different prerequisites already mentioned earlier.


  7. Raj
    Apr 2nd, 2013 at 10:53 | #19


    We are getting the following error during post configure phase:

    runProvisioning-postconfigure.out:2013-03-31 18:31:14.882 NOTIFICATION [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2013-03-31 18:31:14 IST!TARGET=configure-ecsf!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=HCMDomain!!PRODUCTFAMILY=hcm!PRODUCT=ATGPF!TASK=synchronized!TASKID=hcm.ATGPF.BUILD_ERROR.configure-ecsf.synchronized!MESSAGE=/u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml:2678: The following error occurred while executing this line: /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/common-misc-build.xml:109: ECSF configuration failed. Error message: Java returned: 1!

    Please advise.

    Regards, Rajeev.

    • tushar
      Apr 2nd, 2013 at 11:32 | #20

      Raj whenever ECSF configuration fails in postconfiguration, it shows the exact command which failed. Looks for the statement which failed in both postconfigure and fs log & out files and you will find it. Share it here and then I can guide you further. Also run the command manually to see the error on console.

      • Raj
        Apr 2nd, 2013 at 19:01 | #21


        The error message is as follows:

        2013-04-02 15:41:17.181 WARNING [java] INFO: start getAdministrator
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.284 WARNING [java] Apr 2, 2013 3:41:18 PM oracle.ecsf.mbean.SearchRuntimeAdmin createInvocationTargetException
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.285 WARNING [java] SEVERE: cannot register the identity plug-in on this SES instance
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.285 WARNING [java] oracle.ecsf.SearchException: cannot register identity plug-in to SES for user FUSION_APPS_HCM_SES_CRAWL_APPID
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.285 WARNING [java] at
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.285 WARNING [java] at oracle.ecsf.admin.RuntimeAdmin.registerIdentityPlugin(
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.286 WARNING [java] at oracle.ecsf.mbean.SearchRuntimeAdmin.registerIdentityPlugin(
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.286 WARNING [java] at oracle.ecsf.util.ProvisioningUtil.setIdPlugin(
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.286 WARNING [java] at oracle.ecsf.util.ProvisioningUtil.main(
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.286 WARNING [java] Caused by: oracle.ecsf.SearchException: Could not get SES admin service proxy to error: 2 counts of InaccessibleWSDLException.
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.287 WARNING [java] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:
        2013-04-02 15:41:18.287 WARNING [java] Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL:

        The relevant section that it running from /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml is

        I have got all the components of this code to run from command line but am still trying to figure out how to get it running from command line.

        Please advise on how to proceed ahead to find the cause.

        Regards, Rajeev.

        • Raj
          Apr 2nd, 2013 at 19:03 | #22


          FYI, We have checked for errors in the release notes and have executed this fix but it has not helped us.

          chmod 777 /tmp/_wl_proxy

          Regards, Rajeev.

          • Raj
            Apr 2nd, 2013 at 19:04 | #23

            The relevant section got missed somehow, i am updating it

            The relevant section that it running from /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml is

            I have got all the components of this code to run from command line but am still trying to figure out how to get it running from command line.

          • Raj
            Apr 2nd, 2013 at 19:07 | #24

            The relevant section that it running from /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml ( i removed tags as it is not getting copied on the html page )

            java classname=oracle.ecsf.util.ProvisioningUtil fork=true classpathref=ecsf.classpath failonerror=true
            arg value=temp.ecsf.config.file
            sysproperty value=ecsf.jps.config
            sysproperty value=ecsf.ssl.truststore

      • Raj
        Apr 5th, 2013 at 18:06 | #25


        Provided relevant information that you requested, could you point where we can look further to debug.


    • Raj
      Apr 4th, 2013 at 14:31 | #26


      I have provided the section of build xml that is being called but could not find the command.

      Regards, Rajeev.

  8. Raj
    Apr 2nd, 2013 at 10:53 | #27


    We are getting the following error during post configure phase:

    runProvisioning-postconfigure.out:2013-03-31 18:31:14.882 NOTIFICATION [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2013-03-31 18:31:14 IST!TARGET=configure-ecsf!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=HCMDomain!!PRODUCTFAMILY=hcm!PRODUCT=ATGPF!TASK=synchronized!TASKID=hcm.ATGPF.BUILD_ERROR.configure-ecsf.synchronized!MESSAGE=/u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml:2678: The following error occurred while executing this line: /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/common-misc-build.xml:109: ECSF configuration failed. Error message: Java returned: 1!

    Please advise.

    Regards, Rajeev.

  9. PK
    Mar 15th, 2013 at 07:29 | #28


    If I need to install only one component of fusion applications like oracle fusion accounting hub then where can I select this component and how the installation defer?


    • tushar
      Mar 15th, 2013 at 08:39 | #29

      Dear Utpal,

      You need to select the product offerings on step 4 of “create response file“.

      Please note that Fusion Apps differs from eBusiness Suite in this area. So please be careful to select each product family which you intend to use and license on this setup. For more details on this restriction please refer to our post

      ORA Training admin

    • Raj
      Apr 1st, 2013 at 14:26 | #30


      We are getting the following error during post configure phase:

      runProvisioning-postconfigure.out:2013-03-31 18:31:14.882 NOTIFICATION [logStatus] STATE=BUILD_ERROR!TIMESTAMP=2013-03-31 18:31:14 IST!TARGET=configure-ecsf!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=HCMDomain!!PRODUCTFAMILY=hcm!PRODUCT=ATGPF!TASK=synchronized!TASKID=hcm.ATGPF.BUILD_ERROR.configure-ecsf.synchronized!MESSAGE=/u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/atgpf-build.xml:2678: The following error occurred while executing this line: /u01/oracle/fusion/provisioning/provisioning-build/common-misc-build.xml:109: ECSF configuration failed. Error message: Java returned: 1!

      Please advise.

      Regards, Rajeev.

  10. Mar 12th, 2013 at 21:00 | #31

    When running the Post Configure phase my system completely froze. So I had to restart the server. Now I am unable to restart provisioning from the same point. So I have decided to start fresh and in the Preverify phase I see lot of error related to domains and objects already present in LDap. How do I go about restarting this. I never restarted the IDM server, should I do that?

    Error like:Functional Setup: common-preverify-security ldapSearch -BUILD_ERROR: Found unexpected node(s) on the LDAP Server with the criteria: BaseDN: cn=FusionDomain, cn=JPSContext, cn=FAPolicies Filter: (objectclass=*) SearchScope: base

    • tushar
      Mar 14th, 2013 at 14:38 | #32


      Since the installation seeds data into OID and hence database, you should not start it from “scratch” since provisioning already has option to restart the installation from last successful phase. If you want to start from scratch then I would advise to restore from database and IDM domain backup. I hope you have already created the backup before provisioning. If you are using VM for IDM then you can just replace the vmdk file and it will restore back to original state.


      • Mar 19th, 2013 at 11:24 | #33

        Can you please guide me how to restart from the last successful step? For me the last successful step was the Configure Primary/Secondary step.

        • tushar
          Mar 19th, 2013 at 14:47 | #34


          Fusion Apps provisioning creates backup of full instance as zip file in restart directory and phaseguard files in pf directory. Whenever you restart provisioningWizard with ignoresysprereqs as true, when you select provision new environment, it will automatically detect previous failed status, hence it will prompt you to perform automatic cleanup and restore to previous state. These steps are already mentioned in our blog.


  11. Tammous
    Mar 2nd, 2013 at 00:19 | #35

    Hi Admin

    I just completed 2 node installation of Fa 11.1.6 on linux

    at the validation phase i’m getting an error

    http://hostname:port/oberr.cgi?progid=1 returned status 404

    Any ideas?


    • Hans
      Mar 16th, 2013 at 10:32 | #36

      Yes, this is expected, see the Fusion Applications 11.1.6 Installation Guide, paragraph 5.5.6

      • tushar
        Mar 16th, 2013 at 10:45 | #37

        You are right Hans. Thanks for the reply

  12. JL
    Feb 27th, 2013 at 21:12 | #38

    During Configure Phase, everything success except Orchestration and Business Intelligence product family. Found errors below. Your help is appreciated.

    2013-02-27 22:54:53.009 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG] FAILED:Executing: opmnctl start coreapplication_obijh1

    2013-02-27 22:54:53.009 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG]:Executing: opmnctl start coreapplication_obisch1

    2013-02-27 22:55:06.087 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG] SUCCESS:Executing: opmnctl start coreapplication_obisch1

    2013-02-27 22:55:06.087 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG]:Modifying BI Configuration Files

    2013-02-27 22:55:06.092 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG] SUCCESS:Modifying BI Configuration Files

    2013-02-27 22:55:06.092 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG]:Executing: opmnctl start essbaseserver1

    2013-02-27 22:55:12.005 NOTIFICATION [exec] [CONFIG] FAILED:Executing: opmnctl start essbaseserver1

    2013-02-27 22:55:12.024 NOTIFICATION [exec] Configuration:BI Configuration failed

    2013-02-27 22:55:12.032 NOTIFICATION [exec] Error while running Configuration.

    • admin
      Feb 28th, 2013 at 02:15 | #39

      Dear JL,

      You can find the detailed error for this in /app/fusion/instance/domains//BIDomain/servers/essbaseserver1/logs/essbaseserver1.log

      This will explain the real cause of this issue. Please let us know if you cannot find the details in that file.

      • JL
        Feb 28th, 2013 at 14:26 | #40

        Thank you.

        This could be part of the problem but as I looked, I could not find the “essbaseserver1.log” under the directory that you’ve mentioned.

        In the directory:

        I don’t see “essbaseserver1” directory. All I see are just below:

  13. CK
    Feb 19th, 2013 at 22:43 | #41

    Getting this error, please help:
    TARGET=private-preverify-installers-prerequisite!CATEGORY=BUILD_ERROR!DOMAIN=NONE!!PRODUCTFAMILY=orchestration!PRODUCT=orchestration!TASK=validateInstallersPrerequisite!TASKID=orchestration.orchestration.BUILD_ERROR.private-preverify-installers-prerequisite.validateInstallersPrerequisite!MESSAGE=The OUI installer prerequisite check failed :: Product : webtier Product : wc Product : soa Product : ecm_bucket2 Product : atgpf Product : odi Product : fusionapps Product : gop !DETAIL=The OUI installer prerequisite check failed :: Product : webtier|Product : wc|Product : soa|Product : ecm_bucket2|Product : atgpf|Product : odi|Product : fusionapps|Product : gop

    • admin
      Feb 20th, 2013 at 02:56 | #42

      Hi, we cannot see the actual error in your post. Please send complete preverify log file and if possible screenshot after selecting failed component to tushar [at] oratraining [dot] com so that I can help you with it

  14. JL
    Feb 7th, 2013 at 05:51 | #43

    Please post the zip file for the JVM properties for 11.1.5. Thanks so much.

    • admin
      Feb 7th, 2013 at 09:20 | #44

      Dear JL,

      You can reduce the size of -Xms by half in setSOADomain.env and fusion_applications properties files in each domain (only reduce the size if existing value is 512MB or more). We are not posting the zip file since google search sometimes lands people to this file and if any one uses the changes in any other release, it can break their application server.


    • admin
      Feb 7th, 2013 at 11:04 | #45

      Also in 11.1.5 it is named and location is in config, remains in bin

      • JL
        Feb 7th, 2013 at 16:48 | #46

        Thanks so much. Appreciate you’re getting back to me.

        Any chance when we could see install steps for 11.1.6 on linux?

        Thanks again.

  15. Gerard
    Feb 6th, 2013 at 08:40 | #47

    Good day,

    I finally managed to finish the lot, after having encountered some issues you probably had not (mentioned?).

    Thanks a bunch for sharing and looking forward to your 11.1.6 update!

  16. Tammous
    Jan 23rd, 2013 at 11:08 | #48

    Dear Admin,

    I’m provisioning applications for HCM, can add financials after i completely provision HCM or i have to re-install everything all over again?


  17. R K
    Jan 20th, 2013 at 22:20 | #49

    Just to add, I am talking about the webgate which is used in fusion application not the one which is installed as MW component (Webgate_IDM),


  18. R K
    Jan 20th, 2013 at 20:58 | #50

    Hello Admin,
    I follow your instruction and successfully OFA 11.1.5 till Validate stage and it has some failures because webgate is not initialized correctly,

    Can you please let me know what is name of agent, preferred host name, and setting of preferred host. So that I can make the same setting and see if webgate initialized in that way or not.

    I am almost done only this is left, so eagerly waiting your answer.

    Thanks a lot.

    R K

  19. Sk
    Jan 16th, 2013 at 04:13 | #51

    Sk :
    I am installing the configure-secondary phase. However I am getting a ‘private-verify-node-manager-running Validate Node Manager’ error. I am pasting part of the logfile to depict the error.
    Connection refused. Could not connect to NodeManager. Check that it is running at localhost:5557.
    *** Caught exception: main.WLSTException Error occured while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manager. : Connection refused. Could not connect to NodeManager. Check that it is running at localhost:5557.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace at line number: 285

  20. Sk
    Jan 16th, 2013 at 04:12 | #52

    I am installing the configure-secondary phase. However I am getting a ‘private-verify-node-manager-running Validate Node Manager’ error. I am enclosing two snapshots and a logfile to depict the error.
    Connection refused. Could not connect to NodeManager. Check that it is running at localhost:5557.

    *** Caught exception: main.WLSTException Error occured while performing nmConnect : Cannot connect to Node Manager. : Connection refused. Could not connect to NodeManager. Check that it is running at localhost:5557.
    Use dumpStack() to view the full stacktrace at line number: 285

  21. SteveW
    Jan 15th, 2013 at 22:35 | #53

    It works now, there was a missing file in Disk3 of wc, I copied it in from the downloaded WebCenter installation files (don’t replace the whole wc directory, its not quite the same as the Fusion Apps version).

    • Ashok
      Jan 18th, 2013 at 05:45 | #54

      Do you recall which files were replaced?

      In Webcenter Disk3 that was downloaded independently I see these extra files.

  22. Sanjay
    Jan 11th, 2013 at 18:51 | #55

    Please how can we fix this…

    ERROR][thread ] Could not start thread ClientNotifForwarder-1. Resource temporarily unavailable
    javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions.DeploymentManagerCreationException: [J2EE Deployment SPI:260009]Exception caught for class ‘weblogic.deploy.api.spi.deploy.internal.ServerConnectionImpl’ while attempting to create DeploymentManager: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Resource temporarily unavailable in tsStartJavaThread (lifecycle.c:1096).

    Attempting to allocate 256M bytes

    There is insufficient native memory for the Java
    Runtime Environment to continue.

    Possible reasons:
    The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
    In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit

    Possible solutions:
    Reduce memory load on the system
    Increase physical memory or swap space
    Check if swap backing store is full
    Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS
    Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
    Decrease number of Java threads
    Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
    Disable compressed references (-XXcompressedRefs=false)

  23. Mohammed
    Jan 6th, 2013 at 21:46 | #56

    Dear Admin,

    I’ve followed all the steps, created the response file and started the provision (build) phase, I have DB on on VM with 36GB ram and 5 CPUS and mw on another VM with 51GB and 10 CPU’s for the second time the whole VM box freezes at the functional setup – webcenter build phase.

    both vb boxes running OEL 64bit.
    1- i can not user weblogic user to log on to EM, is that intended?
    2- can i restart the installation on the same machine?


    • admin
      Jan 7th, 2013 at 07:32 | #57

      You can very well restart the installation. The steps will vary depending on from which stage you want to restart. We will guide you based on your reply.

      • Mohammed
        Jan 10th, 2013 at 13:31 | #58

        Hi Admin,

        I’m always stuck in the build phase of SOA, the whole VM machine freezes and becomes unresponsive

        the database on a one server and the whole middleware is on another, shall i use or or there are other steps to be done because they are separate?


  24. RK
    Jan 1st, 2013 at 14:59 | #59

    I installed OFA 11.1.5 and stuck two times at postconfigure, because while starting Functional setup server it doesn’t finds ‘oracle. webcenter. spaces. remoteclient. ear’ so postconfigure is keep on failing.

    I am installing on Linux. anyIdea how this can be fixed.


    • SteveW
      Jan 9th, 2013 at 03:41 | #60

      Do you have a solution for this? I have exactly the same problem on Linux, am stuck on the postconfigure stage with the remoteclient.ear problem.

    • SteveW
      Jan 10th, 2013 at 00:24 | #61

      I believe I have found the problem, it all stems from the WebCenter installation files in the installers/wc directories. The Disk3 directory is not complete, there is a file missing. I have downloaded the WebCenter installation media from and am using this to replace the one laid down by the Fusion Apps installation media. Having to roll back and start the installation again, will let you know whether this works.

      • R K
        Jan 22nd, 2013 at 22:42 | #62

        Hello SteveW,
        Does that works or not, because I try to download and then try to find out the same I was unable to find that particular files in there.

        So what I did is before start the postconfigure stage I login to Common domain admin server and uncheck all the target for this “oracle. webcenter. spaces. remoteclient” Library. then I move forward without any issue. now I am stuck in Validation stage which I am finding a way to fix the webgate issue.

        But please do let me know if by putting disk 3 contents this issue is resolved or not.


  25. Regis Lacour
    Dec 31st, 2012 at 14:27 | #63

    You have a single node configuration with 32Go RAM.

    Have you resize JVM configuration before to start PostConfiguration Phase ? (installation going without running out of memory, file for BI, Common, … :

    Thank you for your help

    • admin
      Jan 1st, 2013 at 10:16 | #64

      Dear all,

      We have modified JVM properties at a few points. We have already posted the zip file with all modifications earlier here but it was for We will soon post new zip file including new modifications for 11.1.5 release.

      ORA Training

      • JL
        Feb 1st, 2013 at 08:02 | #65

        Would you either share the JVM properties that you’ve modified or upload the zip file for 11.1.5? Can’t move on until the JVM is adjusted.

        Thanks much.

    • Sanjay
      Jan 11th, 2013 at 12:38 | #66

      I have the same problems. I have a server configuration with 256 GB of RAM.. And still JVM outofMemory errors? I already replaced the JVM properties by the ones in the zip that was provided by this site. This helped a bit, but when trying to postconfigure the installer failes during configuration.

      I also tried to modify the file in order to postconfigure one by one. But same issue rises.

      Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

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